Join the volunteer team

Would you like to get involved with La FARCE? « Épicier·ère·x·s » members can participate in various association tasks:

  • Collecting unsold food from our partners in the Canton of Geneva with the cargo bike.
  • Setting up food in the grocery store.
  • Managing food distributions.
  • Welcoming students.

« Épicier·ère·x·s » members commit to adhering to the grocery members’ charter.

« Épicier·ère·x·s » members can pick up a food parcel by signing up. 

When ?

Wednesday and Thursday, according to your availability.


How long ?

As much time as you can give!

How ?

Each « épicier·ère·x·s »member receives a registration link for the following month.

Association La Farce

Rue de Carouge, 98 - 1205 Genève

Pause estivale | Summer break

21 juin - 18 septembre

Association La Farce

Rue de Carouge, 98 - 1205 Genève


IID (n° BC): 80808