Become a member

La FARCE welcomes three types of members : 

« Gastronome » member – You are a student and you wish to benefit from our food aid and participate in the activities offered by the association. Bring your student ID or proof of enrollment to the first distribution of the semester. To become a member, you must pay a membership fee of 20 CHF per academic year.

« Épicier·ère·x » member – You are a student and you want to get involved in our association by helping with food distributions, while also having the opportunity to benefit from our food aid. You will receive an email each month to sign up as a volunteer. As a volunteer, you are exempt from the membership fee.

Support member – You wish to volunteer at La FARCE or simply support the project: you are most welcome! You will not be able to benefit from food aid, but you are invited to take part in our other activities.

Practical informations

By becoming a member, I commit to respecting the objectives of the association.

As a « gastronome » member or « épicier·ère·x » member, I confirm that I do not benefit from other forms of food aid.

The annual membership fee for La FARCE is 20 CHF or 20 EUR. Active membership status will be confirmed upon receipt of the fee. No confirmation message will be sent after receipt of the fee.

Bank details for the transfer

Banque Raiffeisen

Association La FARCE

98 Rue de Carouge, 1205 Genève

CH68 8080 8004 2261 7092 8

IID (n° BC): 80808 / SWIFT-BIC: RAIFCH22


If preferred, you can pay by cash – Swiss francs privileged – when you come pick your first food parcel at La Farce.

Pay with TWINT

We accept TWINT payments on-site when you come to pick up your first food basket.

For « gastronome » and « épicier·ère·x » members :

Once you have registered as a « gastronome » or « épicier·ère·x » member, you can come to the food distributions.

Each week you want to receive food aid, you must sign up on the page: “Registration for Food Distribution

Registration is mandatory and essential for planning the quantities of food to distribute.

Please note, there are only 850 spots per week and we sometimes have to turn away up to 100 people. If you sign up and repeatedly do not collect your package, the association reserves the right to suspend your registration for collecting a food package.

Membership registration form

Association La Farce

Rue de Carouge, 98 - 1205 Genève

Pause estivale | Summer break

21 juin - 18 septembre

Association La Farce

Rue de Carouge, 98 - 1205 Genève


IID (n° BC): 80808