Register for food aid distributions

Members can come and receive food aid at the distributions by registering through the link below.

Be sure to use the email address you registered with as a member of our association to sign up for the distribution.

! Closed from 10 to 17 February !


Make sure you have received a positive confirmation email before coming to the distribution. You will be asked for it at the reception! Feel free to re-register if you have not received it and make sure you used the correct email address.

If you receive an email saying that there are no more spots, it means the limit of 850 people has been reached. You can still come to the distribution on Thursday between 4 PM and 5 PM.

Opening hours ?

 Wednesday 3 PM – 7:30 PM

Thursday 10 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 5 PM

Location ?

Rue de Carouge, 98

1205 Genève

Conditions ?

Be a « épicier·ère·x » or « gastronome » member

Don’t forget your student ID!

Remember: we have to turn away up to 100 people each week due to limited resources. Please only register if you are sure you can come to the distribution.

If you need to cancel, send us a message at before the start of the distribution so we can give your spot to someone else!

If these hours do not allow you to come in person, you can ask someone else to collect your basket on your behalf, as long as they have a photo of your student ID.

For those who prefer silence, feel free to ask us to turn off the music. Please note that Thursday afternoons are generally quieter.

Do you want to benefit from the food distribution?

Association La Farce

Rue de Carouge, 98 - 1205 Genève

Horaires / Hours  :

Mercredi, 15h - 19h30
Jeudi, 10h - 12h et 13h - 17h

Wednesday 3 PM – 7:30 PM
Thursday 10 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 5 PM


Association La Farce

Rue de Carouge, 98 - 1205 Genève


IID (n° BC): 80808